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Q. How do you tease fruit?

A. Banananananananana!

Q. Why did Goofy put a clock under his desk?

A. Because he wanted to work over-time!

Q. Why did Tommy throw the clock out of the window?

A. Because he wanted to see time fly!

Q. How does a moulded fruit-flavoured dessert answer the phone?

A. Jell-o!

Q. When do you stop at green and go at red?

A. When you're eating a watermelon!

Q. How did the farmer mend his pants?

A. With cabbage patches!

Q. Why don't they serve chocolate in prison?

A. Because it makes you break out!

Q. What do you call artificial spaghetti?

A. Mockaroni!

Q. What happens to a hamburger that misses a lot of school?

A. He has a lot of ketchup time!

Q. Why did the man at the orange juice factory lose his job?

A. He couldn't concentrate!

Q. How do you repair a broken tomato?

A. Tomato Paste!

Q. Why did the baby strawberry cry?

A. Because his parents were in a jam!

Q. What did the hamburger name his daughter?

A. Patty!

Q. What kind of egg did the bad chicken lay?

A. A deviled egg!

Q. What kind of key opens the door on Thanksgiving?

A. A turkey!

Q. What kind of cake do you get at a cafeteria?

A. A stomach-cake!

Q. Why did the cookie go to the hospital?

A. He felt crummy!

Q. When does a cart come before a horse?

A. In the dictionary!

Q. Why were the teacher's eyes crossed?

A. She couldn't control her pupils!

Q. Where does wood come from?

A. A guy named woody.

Q. What has one horn and gives milk

A. A milk truck.

Q. Where do bulls get their messages

A. On a bull-etin board.

Q. What do bulls do when they go shopping?


Q. Why were the giant's fingers only eleven inches long?

A. Because if they were twelve inches long, they'd be a foot.

Q. What is invisible and smells like carrots?

A. Bunny Farts!

Q. What runs but can't walk?

A. The faucet!

Q. What kind of bed does a mermaid sleep in?

A. A water bed!

Q. What kind of crackers do firemen like in their soup?

A. Firecrackers!

Q. What did the teddy bear say when he was offered dessert?

A. No thanks, I'm stuffed!

Q. Why did the barber win the race?

A. Because he took a short cut.

Q. What's taken before you get it?

A. Your picture.

Q. Why did the tree go to the dentist?

A. To get a root canal.

Q. Why did the child study in the airplane?

A. He wanted a higher education!

Q. Why was the broom late?

A. It over swept!

Q. What did the fireman's wife get for Christmas?

A. A ladder in her stocking!

Q. What did one virus say to another?

A. Stay away, I think I've got penicillin!

Q. What did the tie say to the hat?

A. You go on ahead and I'll hang around!

Q. What pet makes the loudest noise?

A. A trum-pet!

Q. What is a tornado?

A. Mother nature doing the twist!